JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – Five consortiums, consisting of state construction firms, are to compete for Jakarta’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project, Investor Daily reported this morning.

That five firms are PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA), PT Adhi Karya Tbk (ADHI), PT PP (PTPP), PT Waskita Karya and PT Hutama Karya. The project is now on tender process.

Manpalagupta Sitorus, head of corporate communications of PT MRT earlier told Kontan business paper that Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been committed to provide up to Rp15 trillion funding for the project.

The loan, according to Sitorus, will be borne by central government (ministry of finance) and Jakarta city administration with 42% and 58% portion respectively.

Other than JICA financing, the project will also get funding from State Budget and local administration’s budget.