JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has on Tuesday (Dec. 1) caught two local lawmakers of the Banten Legislative Council (DPRD), SM Hartono and FL Tri Satya, in a caught-in-the act operation (OTT) during a bribe transaction in Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten.

The two local lawmakers were caught altogether with Director of PT Banten Global Development Ricky Tapinongkol in a bribe transaction at a restaurant in Serpong. The KPK also caught three personal drivers of Hartono, Satya, and Ricky respectively.

Other than that, the KPK also arrested two other people identified as officials at PT Banten Global Development in their office.

The status of all of eight people above, however, are witnesses in the case. The KPK alleged that the bribe transaction at a restaurant in Serpong is related to establishment of new private bank in Banten.

SM Hartono, a politician from the Golkar Party, is deputy speaker of the DPRD Banten. While Tri Satya, a politician from PDI-P, is the head of the DPRD Banten Commission III. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)