JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Shares of state construction firm PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA) gained 2.1% to Rp1,950 per share this morning with 28.72 million shares exchanged hands, extending its gain during past four trading days.

The stock has fallen 32% from its pick year to date. It reached Rp2,800 in May. The stock gained 21% in past four trading days.

WIKA booked new contracts of Rp9 trillion in first half of this year, representing 43.3% of this year target (Rp20.76 trillion).

The company targets to book revenue of Rp15.4 trillion and net profit of Rp555.06 billion this year. WIKA allocates capital expenditure (capex) of Rp1.78 trillion for this year.