JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Visi Media Asia Tbk (VIVA), member of Bakrie Group, is now seeking loan of US$90 million, equivalent Ro900 billion, for repaying debts scheduled to mature in February 2014.

Charlie Kasim, finance director of VIVA, said the company has debt of US$80 million to Deutsche Bank. The loan carries interest of 9%.

He said the company will seek the loan from both local and foreign banks with interest of below 9% and for 4 years period.

Visi Media allocates US$150 million fund for its pay tv (Viva Sky), new business segment, to be launched in November this year along with world cup momentum.

Visi Media also plans to build new office building and new studio for broadcasting, located in East Jakarta area, with investment cost of US$30 million.