JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Sharfes of PT Visi Media Asia Tbk (VIVA), member of Bakrie Group, gained 6.5% to Rp225 per share this morning, but still lost 66% from its peak year to date.

The company is now seeking loan of US$90 million, equivalent Ro900 billion, for repaying debts scheduled to mature in February 2014.

It also allocates US$150 million fund for its pay tv (Viva Sky), new business segment, to be launched in November this year along with world cup momentum.

Meanwhile parent company of ANTV, PT Inter Media Capital (IMC), plans to sell 10% shares in ANTV in first quarter of 2014, through the initial public offering (IPO) scheme.

ANTV, unit of PT Visi Media Asia Tbk (VIVA), will use its IPO proceeds to pay its debts.