JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – More than US$2 billion of funds from foreign investors have left Indonesian stocks in the past four weeks, leaving only US$230 million of net buy year-to-date.

Net buy of Indonesian stocks by foreign investors reached its peak last month at around US$2.5 billion, but has steadily dropped to US$230 million on Thursday (June 20), including US$129 million of net sell that day.

They contributed to 8.65% correction of composite index of Indonesia Stock Exchange this month, leaving only 7.26% gain YTD. It is better than FTSE Bursa Malaysia and SET Index (Thailand), but lower than PSE Index (the Philippines).

Sector-wise, property gained 47% this year, while consumer goods advanced 20% and trade 18.64%. Mining lost 24.77%, while agriculture declined 6.7%.