JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Consumer goods giant Unilever Indonesia (UNVR) surged past Bank Central Asia (BCA) by market capitalization.

Unilever, with Friday’s substantial gain, currently has market capitalization of Rp238.1 trillion, way above BCA (Rp223 trillion).

Unilever is now third largest company on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) by market cap below HM Sampoerna (Rp287.1 trillion) and Astra International (Rp245 trillion).

Completing the Top 10 are Telkom Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, BRI, Perusahaan Gas Negara, Semen Indonesia, and Gudang Garam.

Unilever has dropped 9.1% from its peak this year, while BCA lost 20.6%. Astra and HM Sampoerna, meanwhile, dropped 26% and 27% from respective peak.