JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – ICT retailer PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk (TRIO), which is also parent of Global Teleshop (GLOB), booked net profit of Rp499.95 billion in 2013, grew by 31% from Rp381.95 billion in 2012. Earning per share (EPS) was Rp101.

Revenue increased 8% to Rp10.37 trillion from previous Rp9.59 trillion. Cost of revenue also rose 8.1% to Rp8.9 trillion from earlier Rp8.24 trillion. Operating profit increased 24% to Rp1.02 trillion from Rp827.09 billion in 2012.

Its assets jumped 54% to Rp8.24 trillion while liability surged 77% to Rp6.2 trillion. It has cash and cash equivalent of Rp510.45 billion.

While Global Teleshop booked net profit of Rp115 billion last year,  increased 1.8% from Rp113 billion in 2012. Revenue  jumped 31% to Rp3.89 trillion from previous Rp2.96 trillion. Cost of revenue also rose 34.8% to Rp3.54 trillion from earlier Rp2.63 trillion. Its assets reached Rp1.49 trillion and liability amounted Rp1 trillion.