JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Food producer PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera (TPS) Food Tbk (AISA) had in March 28, 2014 acquired PT Golden Plantation.

TPS Food now engages in food manufacturing, rice processing & distribution, and palm oil plantations & CPO mill.

In February 27, 2014, AISA, through unit PT Balaraja Bisco Paloma, has set up new subsidiary PT Sekar Tanjung Sejahtera.

In 2013, the company built one rice mill with 2 production lines with capacity of 240,000 tons per year located in Central Java.

It also built 12 units of logistic storages with capacity of 24,000 tons and 25 storages with capacity of 48,000 tons in Ngawi, East Java.

The rice mill is targeted to commence operation this month. AISA plans to set up joint venture company for milk-based beverage segment which costs Rp200 billion.

AISA targets to book revenue of Rp6.74 trillion this year. It expects to book revenue of Rp4.79 trillion in 2013.