JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Toyota Astra Financial Services, unit of Astra International, has set coupon for its Rp600 billion bond issue, part of its bond program of Rp4 trillion for this year, used to support its automotive financing. 

The bond will be issued in 2 series; series A bond with tenor of 370 days offering coupon of 9.6% and series B bond with tenor 36 months carrying coupon of 10.5%.

Acting as underwriters are PT HSBC Securities Indonesia, PT Indo Premier Securities, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT Trimegah Securities.

The bond offering will start today until February 10, 2014. Toyota Astra targets to book financing of Rp11 trillion this year, a 10.5% growth compared to Rp9.6 trillion last year.