SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – Interra Resources Ltd, controlled by Edwin Soeryadjaya, reported its oil production from Tanjung Miring Timur (TMT) TAC, South Sumatra, reached 889 barrels per day in third quarter of this year, soared 251% from 253 barrels in the same period of last year.

For third quarter, its oil gross production totaled 81,828 barrels, compared to 23,230 barrels in third quarter of 2012. Weighted average transacted oil price was US$103.06, lower than previous US$111.34. Its net share of revenue reached US$6.2 million, compared to earlier 1.84 million.

For Linda Sele TAC, Interra’s gross production reached 19,562 barrels in third quarter of this year, compared to 15,944 barrels in third quarter of last year. Average gross production per day was 213 barrels, compared to earlier 173 barrels. Weighted average transacted oil price was US$103.04, then net revenue reached US$1.99 million.

Interra announced on 3 September 2013, the proposed acquisition of equity interests in PT Benakat Oil, PT Indelberg Indonesia, PT Bintang Sukses Nasional and PT Benakat Barat Petroluem which holds 100% undividend interest in the rights and obligations of exploitation, development and complementary exploration of hydrocarbons in the Benakat Barat field in South Sumatra, Indonesia at purchase consideration of US$78.50 mil. Due diligence of the acquisition is currently ongoing.