JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Syariah banks posted profit after tax of Rp1.92 trillion in first half of this year, jumped 48% from Rp1.29 trillion in the same period of last year.

The loan disbursement of syariah banks totaled Rp171.23 trillion, a 45.6% growth compared to Rp117.59 trillion a previous year.

While total assets of syariah banks reached Rp218.56 trillion, increased 40.6% from earlier Rp155.4 trillion. Third party funds rose 37.46% to Rp163.96 trillion, from Rp119.27 trillion in first half of 2012.

Financing to deposit ratio (FDR) increased to 121.7% while non performing financing (NPF) declined to 2.64%.