JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Marzuki Alie, President SBY’s Democratic Party leader and the Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), stands for denial from corruption allegation.

Marzuki is alleged of having received Rp250 million bribery money in a construction project of the new Parliament’s building worth Rp1.16 trillion.

“I have never received the money. Only someone mentioned my name. Whoever he is, he must revealed,” Marzuki depended himself through sending letter of his right to Tempo as a reply for the media’s report.

Marzuki then accused a state-owned company had delivered bribe money to win the tender construction project of the new Parliament’s building.

He also revealed that one faction of political party at the Parliament have voiced its protests for only getting small money for the project.

Other lawmakers from some factions of political parties at the Parliament such as Golkar, PKS, PAN, and Hanura challenge back Marzuki and push him to reveal the name of faction he had mentioned on letter to Tempo.

While Marzuki’s faction, Democratic Party, suggested Marzuki to file a report to the Anti-Graft Commission KPK. Another faction like PKB, meanwhile, suggested Marzuki to resolve the issue within the Parliament.

As earlier reported, Marzuki Alie, Democratic Party leader, denied corruption allegation. Tempo magazine reported that Marzuki had received Rp250 million from state-owned construction firm PT Adhi Karya Tbk.

The latest edition of Tempo magazine published on Monday (Nov. 11), revealed about the flow of funds from PT Adhi Karya to several lawmakers, including Marzuki Alie.

The report said those flow of funds were aimed to secure the project tender for the construction of the new Parliament’s building back in 2010 to 2011.

The tender of the construction project was handled by the House’s household affairs committee (BURT), where Marzuki acted as head. The construction project, however, was finally canceled due to public protest. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)