Sri-Mulyani-IndrawatiJAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Former Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati has testified to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding the Bank Century (now Bank Mutiara) bailout scandal. 

KPK Chief Abraham Samad said that the current Managing Director of  the World Bank provided some new key information that could help unravel the scandal. According to Samad,  Sri Mulyani’s latest testimony is different from the previous testimony that she gave to KPK back on April 29, 2010.

“Sri Mulyani’ testimony … could reveal [the] mastermind,” Abraham claimed as quoted by on Tuesday (May 28).

Abraham also revealed that Sri Mulyani handed over a number of documents to support her testimony. Abraham, however, was reluctant to reveal more details regarding the documents.

Sri Mulyani was questioned by KPK’s investigators at the Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC, United States in early May 2013. KPK re-examined Sri Mulyani in her capacity as a former Chairwoman of Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) and in her capacity as a former Minister of Finance at the time when the bailout happened.