JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Airin Rachmi Diany, Mayor of South Tangerang in Banten province, visited the KPK detention center to meet her husband, Tubagus Chairy Wardhana aka Wawan, graft suspect and brother of Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah.

Airin refused to comment on the arrest and as well as the bribery case of her husband. She was also reluctant to give explanation on her wealth reportedly reaching Rp103.9 billion and 11 luxurious cars, including Ferrari and Lamborghini, found by KPK in her husband’s house.

Airin is a beauty queen turned politician. She was a favorite contestant in the Puteri Indonesia 1996 beauty pageant. Entering the politics, Airin won mayor election of South Tangerang city, Banten in 2011. She entered the race with supports from a coalition of Golkar, President SBY’s Democratic Party, PDI-P, PKS, PKB, PAN, PDS, PPDI, and PKPI. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)