JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono demands the public to stop suspecting the government on the chaotic of final voter list (DPT) compiled by the General Election Commission (KPU) for next year’s legislative and presidential elections.

SBY has just delivered the statement in a meeting Wednesday (Nov. 13) at the State Palace Jakarta with other heads of high state institutions, including KPU Chairman and some cabinet members.

“There’s a suspicion that it is the government that intentionally has made a problematic final voter list,” SBY said, adding the public also is suspecting this as an effort to keep the status quo.

SBY then asked public not to worry over the chaotic voter list as it was compiled by KPU, the Home Affairs Ministry, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, governors, regents, and mayors. “They all are regional leaders coming from various political parties.

As reported earlier, KPU, ready for any risks, has finally released the final voter list neglecting suggestions of postponement and existing problems, including 10.4 million problematic voters and unknown numbers of voters have yet registered in the list.

People, observers, and political parties have worried and questioning the accuracy of the final list of voters compiled by KPU as the current problematic list of voters could result fraud during the 2014 elections and as well as could harm the outcome of the elections. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)