JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Golkar Party urges President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to reveal the real identity of the mysterious “Bunda Putri”, who allegedly has relations with the President and his inner circle. PKS, meanwhile, urges KPK to summon the President.

“The speculation (over Bunda Putri’s relation to President) would turn wild if the identity of the mysterious woman was not revealed,” commented Hajriyanto Y Thohari, senior politician from Golkar Party and Deputy Speaker of the People’s Representatives Council (MPR), Friday (October 18).

Syarifuddin Sudding, lawmaker from Hanura, also urges KPK to summon Bunda Putri and Sengman Tjahja (reportedly a close friend of President SBY) for explaining their relations with SBY and his inner circle and also their alleged roles in the beef-import quota graft case.

PKS lawmaker Refrizal also urges KPK to summon SBY to provide explanation about Bunda Putri.

Bunda Putri was firstly introduced to public in a trial session of beef import quota graft on Aug. 29, 2013. At that time, KPK’s prosecutor team played a wiretapped conversation between former PKS President Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq, Ridwan Hakim (son of PKS patron leader), and an unknown woman Bunda Putri.

Recent speculation about the identity of Bunda Putri is pointed to a woman identified as Non Saputri. While previous speculation was pointed to Sylvia Sholehah. Other speculation said Non Saputri is little Bunda Putri and Sylvia Sholehah is big Bunda Putri. Both Non Saputri and Sylvia Sholehah are alleged to have close relationship with President SBY, First Lady Any Yudhoyono and their inner circles. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)