JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has recently sent a letter to PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BMRS), a subsidiary of giant coal miner PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI), questioning the real representation of Sandra A. Triyana on BUMI.

IDX demanded BRMS board of directors to prove how Sandra could represent BUMI’s 87.09% voting rights or stake ownership in BRMS while as listed at attendance form in the general meeting of shareholders, Sandra only received authority from BUMI for only 43.1% shares ownership in BRMS.

BRMS explained that it has received a confirmation from BUMI saying total BUMI’s shares attended on general meeting of shareholders reached 85.84% as the rest 1.25% of voting rights holders, on behalf of BUMI, did not attend the meeting.

While representing BUMI on the general meeting of BRMS’ shareholders, Sandra also represented other parties who borrow shares owned by BUMI. They are listed as shareholders of BRMS by administrative, but BUMI holds the ownership right on BRMS.

Based on google search, Sandra (Adha) Triyana was graduated from Law Faculty of Parahyangan University, Bandung, West Java. She is working at PT Arutmin Indonesia, subsidiary of BUMI.