SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – Gallant Venture Ltd. (GV), an investment holding company controlled by Salim Group, booked profit after tax of S$26 million in first nine months of this year, compared to loss S$7 million in the same period of last year.

Revenue reached S$1.28 billion, compared to previous S$139 million. GV’s debts totaled S$2.05 billion while assets reached S$5.09 billion.

GV is owned by Salim Group (74.55%), SembCorp Industries Ltd (11.96%), and public (the rest). It has market capitalisation of S$1.56 billion as at 31 October 2013.

GV controls 71.49% stake in PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk (IMAS), holds 40% stake in PT Bintan Inti Industrial Estate, and wholly controls PT Batamindo Investment Cakrawala, Verizon Resorts Limited and Win Field Limited.

Batamindo Investment’s subsidiaries are Batamindo Carriers Pte Ltd (36%), PT Soxal Batamindo Industrial Gases (30%), PT Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi (95%), PT Batamindo Executive Village (60%), and Gallant Power & Resources Limited (49%).

Verizon Resorts’ subsidiaries are PT Suakajaya Indowahana (80%), PT Surya Bangun Pertiwi (100%), and PT Buana Megawisatama (100%). Buana Megawisatama, through BU Holdings Pte Ltd and Legoi Dreams Limited, owns PT Taman Indah.

GV also holds 3.69% stake in PT Bintan Resort Cakrawalan and 30% stake in Bintan Resorts Ferries Private Limited which controls 70% stake in Bintan Resort Cakrawala. Bintan Resort also holds 15.25% stake in PT Suakajaya Indowahana.