BRISBANE, Indonesia Today – Robust Resources Ltd, a company affiliated with Salim Group, claims high grade polymetallic zone intersected at the two holes from the Batu Hitam West prospect, Romang Island, Maluku.

Both holes intersected near-surface mineralization containing gold and silver. The best result came from LWD222 which intersected 25. @ 1.35 g/t AuEq and 5.2% comb. Pb+Zn+Cu.

Detailed soil geochemical survey in the Batu Hitam West area has returned and claimed high gold in soil assays up to 4.55 g/t Au, the highest recorded to date.

Robust is a 77.5% direct shareholder in PT Gemala Borneo Utama which owns the IUP on Romang Island. The other 22.5% is held by Salim Group. Salim Group also owns 19.69% of Robust Resources Ltd. (