JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Winner of gubernatorial race in Riau province, Sumatra will likely be decided in second round of the election as none of candidates secured more than 30% votes in the first round.
Based on votes counting in 12 regencies, Annas Maamum, candidate from Golkar Party, won 685,291 votes or 28.92% in the first round, followed by Herman Abdullah, candidate from small political parties without seats in the legislative council.
Annas won most votes in Rokan Hilir, Dumai, Siak, Bengkalis, and Pelalawan. Herman, meanwhile, won Pekanbaru (capital city of Riau province), Kampar Regency, and Kuantan Singingi.
Trailing behind is Achmad, candidate supported by President SBY’s Democratic Party and Islamic party PKS, with 485,501 votes (20.49%).
Lukman Edy, candidate from PDi-P, and Jon Erizal, candidate from National Mandate Party (PAN), followed with 14.07% and 14% votes respectively.