SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – RH Petrogas Ltd has completed drilling of the Klalin-14 development well in the Kepala Burung PSC in West Papua, Indonesia.

RH Petrogas, which has 60% working interest in the block, said the well encountered 81 feet of total net pay and tested production rates of 9.8 MMSCFD of natural gas and 220 barrels per day of condensate.

“Depending on the gas demand, the well is expected to produce 3 MMSCFD and 150 barrels per day once production starts in the near future,” RH Petrogas said this morning.

Two additional development wells, Klalin 15 and Klalin 17, are scheduled for drilling before the end of the year. Last year, Kepala Burung PSC produced an average of 6,168 barrels of oil equivalent per day.