LONDON (Yosefardi) – PT REA Kaltim Plantation, unit of London-listed R.E.A. Holdings Plc, plans to supply electricity from its biogas-generated power plant in East Kalimantan.
REA said that electricity generated from the two methane capture plants commissioned in 2012 now supplies a significant proportion of the group’s mills, offices and housing, thereby substantially reducing the group’s consumption of diesel oil for power generation, with material consequential and on-going savings in energy costs as well as in greenhouse gas emissions.
“Arrangements for the supply of biogas generated electricity to the Indonesian state electricity company (PLN) are reaching an advanced stage,” the company said in its half year report.
REA said that it has ordered three additional gas engine generators to provide the 3 MW of capacity that is initially required by PLN. Concurrently, PLN has issued a public invitation to tender for the provision of the electrical reticulation needed to connect the group’s generating stations to the adjacent villages that PLN plans to supply.
“It is hoped that the installation of the additional generators and the provision of the necessary electrical reticulation can be completed, and that the group can obtain the licences that it requires to generate and sell electricity, by the end of 2013,” REA said.