SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – Ramba Energy Limited has completed the workover of the JRR-3 ST production well at Jatirarangon block, Indonesia at 1800 hours on 4 June 2013.

The JRR-3 ST production well is currently under observation, and may require a well intervention at a later date. “Results of the workover remain inconclusive at this point of time,” Ramba said.

The company has also asked Singapore Exchange (SGX) to lift the trading suspension of its shares.

Jatirarangon is a technical assistance contract (TAC) with Pertamina. The block is located in Cikarang, West Java province. The block currently produces 6.8 MMSCF of gas and 105 barrels of oil and condensate per day.

Ramba, controlled by Soeryadjaya family, has a 70% working interest in the block.