SURABAYA (Yosefardi) – Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung assured that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will not hamper investigation conducted by law enforcement institution over legislators following the recent decision from the Constitutional Court (MK) requiring the President’s permission over said investigation.

President Jokowi, according to Pramono in his message to, is remain committed to not intervene the legal process conducted by the law enforcement institutions and supporting corruption eradication movement in the country.

As reported earlier, panel of constitutional justices at the MK has partly granted a judicial review request on the Law No. 17/2004 regarding the Legislative Institutions (or famously known as the MD3 Law).

The court, in its decision, amended Article 245 paragraph 1 of Law 17/2014 which previously stipulated that the summoning of legislator – from the House of Representatives (DPR), the People’s Consultatives Assembly (MPR), and the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) – that allegedly committing crimes & corruption for questioning must approved by the Honorary Council (MKD). With the amendment, said article now stipulates that the summoning is only requiring permission from the President. (