LONDON (Yosefardi) – Premier Oil Plc reported net production of 14,100 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in Indonesia in the first half ended June 30, 2013.
The net production, on a working interest basis, was lower than 14,700 boepd in the corresponding period of 2012.
According to Premier Oil’s first half statement, the first half actually saw a strong performance from Natuna Sea Block A with the Anoa field capturing in excess of its contractual shares of Gas Sale Agreement (GSA1) and the Gajah Baru field achieving record production rates.
Gross liquids production from the Block A Anoa field, however, averaged 2,000 bopd, down from 2,600 bopd, while Kakap field down from 4,000 bopd to 3,700 bopd.