JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – State electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) plans to build Steam Power Plant (PLTU), unit 3 and 4, located in Pasir, sub-district Pangkalan Susu, Langkat regency, North Sumatera.

The PLTU will have capacity of 2×200 Megawatt (MW). PLN has signed contract with consortium China’s Sinohydro Corporation Limited Deng Xi and PT Nusantara Energy Mandiri as project contractor.

Nur Pamudji, Director PLN said Pangkalan Susu PLTU is very important as it helps boosting electricity supply for people in North Sumatera.

“I hope that the consortium will complete this project within 42 months as set in the contract for unit 3 and 45 months for unit 4,” he said.

BY Ferdi Hasiman