JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) puts more pressures on President SBY through a graft scandal implicating the party.

KPS former president Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq and deputy secretary general Fahri Hamzah link SBY into the graft case. On Oct. 10,2013, during the court session of beef import quota case, Luthfi revealed that President SBY knew the woman allegedly implicated on the case, named as Bunda Putri.

In the trial of graft suspect Ahmad Fathanah, Luthfi explained that SBY has a close relationship with Bunda Putri, as Bunda Putri, according to Luthfi, also has information about the reshuffle policy from SBY. SBY has also denied statement of Luthfi.

“SBY was just acting stupidly,” commented Fahri Hamzah, another executive of PKS. “He (SBY) should know her (Bunda Putri). (indrab@yosefardi.biz)