JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) – Home Affairs Ministry has decided to send another 19 regents/mayors along with each head of the Local Development Planning Board (Bappeda) to follow an executive education course on transforming leaders at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, US for almost three weeks (September 17??? October 5, 2012). This is actually the second class after last year the Ministry also sent out 19 regents and mayors to Harvard University.

Harunata, head agency of training center at Home Affairs Ministry, reveals that the State doesn???t bear all the costs of the course. Harunata explains that the costs of the course and accommodation will be borne by Harvard Kennedy School of Government, while the costs of official trips and allowances will be sourced from each local budget.

The Course was established by Harvard Kennedy School of Government and the Rajawali Foundation, established by Peter Sondakh (Indonesian businessman). The Rajawali Foundation has on January 2010 given a $20.5 million grant to Harvard Kennedy School of Government to establish the Institute for Asia and Indonesia program.

Harunata continued that 19 regional leaders who follow the short course are Padang Pariaman regent, Pasaman regent, West Bangka regent, Central Bangka regent, East Belitung regent, Sumenep regent, Badung regent, Klungkung regent, Dompu regent, Samarinda mayor, Gorontalo regent, Sigi regent, Gowa regent, South Minahasa regent, North Mamuju regent,