JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT Bank Permata Tbk (BNLI) posted profit after tax of Rp817.7 billion in first half of this year, grew by 15% from Rp711.8 billion in the same period of last year.

Net interest income increased 12.34% to Rp2.57 trillion from previous Rp2.29 trillion while net interest margin was 4.37%. BNLI’s credits rose 9% to Rp95.62 trillion. Its capital adequacy ratio (CAR) was 15.55% and loan to deposits ratio (LDR) stood at 91.78%.

Meanwhile, Bank Panin ((PNBN) booked profit after tax of Rp1.28 trillion, increased 3.2% from Rp1.24 trillion in first half of 2012. Net interest income rose 10.5% to Rp2.93 trillion while net interet margin (NIM) was 3.96%.

PNBN’s credits increased 5.6% to Rp103.25 trillion while third party funds grew by 4.6% to Rp107.45 trillion. CAR stood at 16.84% and LDR stood at 88.96%.