SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) plans to start flow testing in the Parit Minyak-3 well located in the Kisaran PSC, onshore Sumatra.

“Based on wireline logging results, up to two drill stem tests will be conducted. The first will be an open hole test over a gross interval of 246 feet, the second will be in cased hole over a gross interval of 62 feet,” NZOG, owner of 22.5% interest in the venture, said this morning.

According to the company, the flow testing program could take 15-20 days, depending on the types of fluids and rates of flow.

NZOG’s partners in the block are pacific Oil & Gas (55%, operator) and Pacific Oil & Gas (Sumatra Ltd), a subsidiary of Bukit Energy Inc, (22.5%).