SYDNEY (Yosefardi) – Parit Minyak-3 well, located in the Kisaran production sharing contract of onshore Sumatra, has been drilled to a total depth of 8520 feet (2598 meters) as of Sunday, September 1st.
“The current operation is logging in the open-hole section from 5067 feet (1545 meters),” New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) Ltd informed ASX this morning.
NZOG has a 22.5% interest in the block through its subsidiary NZOG Asia Pty Ltd. Other partners in the block are Pacific Oil & Gas (55%, and operator) and Pacific Oil & Gas (Sumatra) Ltd, a subsidiary of Bukit Energy Inc (22.5%).
“Following evaluation of this data, further decisions will be considered, including casing, flow testing, and drilling deeper,” NZOG added.