JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Indonesia’s oil and gas import reached US$4.14 billion, jumped 17.17% from June 2013. Compared to July 2012, the number surged 49.9%.

Import of crude oil amounted US$1.18 billion, grew by 5.4% from June 2013. Year to date import of crude oil jumped 30.67% to US$8.07 billion, from US$6.18 billion in Jan-Jul 2012.

while import of oil products jumped 24.83% to US$2.74 billion in July 2013 from 2.19 billion in previous month. Year to date, import of oil products only rose 1.62%.

Import of gas only increased 0.54% to US$223.2 million from US$222 million in June 2013. Year to date, import of gas declined 5.81%. (yohanneso@yosefardi.biz)