CALGARY (Yosefardi) – Niko Resources Ltd and ENI (Italy) are finalizing plans to drill the Lebah-2 appraisal well in the North Ganal Block, located offshore Kalimantan in the Makassar Strait.

“The joint venture partners have evaluated the potential of this zone and are finalizing plans to drill the Lebah-2 appraisal well in the area of the structure, where the zone is believed to be thicker,” said Niko recently.

Previously, Lebah-1 well penetrated 12 feet of net pay at the top of a 41 feet gross sand Upper Miocene sand internal, a secondary target zone of the well.

ENI (Italy) is operator of North Ganal block, where Niko Resources holds 31% participating interest.
As at June 30, 2013, Niko held interests in 21 offshore exploration blocks in Indonesia, covering 113,494 KM2.