JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – National motorcycles sales grew by 6.46% to 704,019 units in July 2013, compared to 661,282 units in June 2013. The sales was led by Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki.

Honda sold 415,653 units of motorcycle in July (June: 390,235), Yamaha sold 229,654 (June: 215,398), and Suzuki sold 42,070 (June: 45,320).

The government had in June 22, 2013 increased fuel price by 22% for diesel fuel and 44% for gasoline.

The Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI) predicts motorcycles sales to decline 9.86% to 6.4 million to 6.6 million this year, compared to 7.1 million last year, mainly due to fuel price hike.