JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The anti graft commission KPK opens a possibility of more lawmakers involved in the Hambalang sports center graft case. The statement was given related to the audit by Supreme Audit Board (BPK) that will be submitted today, Aug. 23, 2013.

Koran Tempo reported that the audit result showed the budget allocation for Hambalang sports center budget was passed by 9 lawmakers in Commission X of The House (overseeing education and sport) back in 2010. The lawmakers, including Mahyuddin N.S (Democrat), Rully Chaerul Azwar(Golkar) and Heri Akhmadi (PDI-P), had approved the Rp600 billion budget allocation for the controversial project.

Responding to the second Hambalang case audit report, KPK spokesperson Johan Budi said that his institution is ready to investigate more related parties. “If there is new report of the others involvement, KPK will follow up,” said Johan.

The audit also reportedly will reveal a lot of new development in the case investigation, including the state loss calculation. In the first audit report, BPK was only reported Rp243.66 billion state loss caused by this case.

Bambang Widjojanto, KPK deputy, urges BPK to submit the state loss report as soon as possible. The calculation will be very substantial for the anti graft commission either to proceed some case to the prosecution or drag more new high profile names.

KPK so far has named several people as suspect on this case, including former sports minister Andi Mallarangeng and former Democrat Party Chairman Anas Urbaningrum. However, none of them has been arrested until now. (indrab@yosefardi.biz)