JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Gamawan Fauzi, Minister of Home Affairs, expressed his disappointment over the decreasing number of voters in the general election. He revealed that the government is trying to raise the level of voters in the upcoming election.

The minister underlined that in the 1999 General Election the voter reach 92.74%, but it would decrease to 84.07% in the next election. The number continued to decrease as the 2009 General Election was only success to bring 71% votes from the available voters.

The local voters number also did not show a good trend. In the local election held in 2013, the total voters were around 70%. “Even there are 50% voters in some areas,“said Gamawan, as quoted by Tribun News.

Regarding this issue, Gamawan added, the government is still trying to find the reason of the decreasing number. One of the ways to do so is to hold the National Coordination Meeting regarding to the election preparation, in Bali. (indrab@yosefardi.biz)