JAKARTA (Indonesia Today) A national rally staged by thousands of workers to celebrate the May Day on Wednesday (May 1) has paralyzed the capital city of Jakarta, especially along the main roads heading to the State Palace. Similar rally also concurred in several major cities throughout the country.

The peaceful rallies staged in several different locations in Jakarta are reportedly still conducive at the moment. But there is not yet clear data revealed about how many workers participated in the rally today. The National Police, however, has already deployed around 25,000 Police personnels to protect the rally.

Several workers confederations earlier claimed that around 600,000 workers around the country would participate in the 2013 May Day, while 150,000 workers planned to attend the rally in Jakarta.

A big part of workers participated in the rally in Jakarta is currently concentrated in front of the State Palace in Medan Merdeka street, Central Jakarta. While thousands of others staged a longmarch from the Parliament