JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) revealed that March 2014 inflation was 0.08%, compared to 0.26% in February 2014. Year-on-year inflation was 7.32%. Year to date infation reached 1.41%.

Processed food, beverages, cigarettes, and tobacco contributed 0.43% inflation. Housing, water, electricity, gas, fuel contributed 0.16%.

Clothing contributed inflation of 0.08%, health contributed 0.41%, education, recreation, and sport contributed 0.14%, and transportation, communication, financial services were responsible for 0.24% inflation.

While stapple foods recorded a deflation of 0.44%.

Off 82 cities, 45 cities recorded inflation, highest occurred at Merauke, and 37 cities recorded deflation, highest at Tual.