KUALA LUMPUR (Yosefardi) – CAN-ONE BERHAD has received approval for the incorporation of a new indirect wholly-owned subsidiary in Indonesia, known as PT. AJ Candace.

This subsidiary is deemed to have been lawfully incorporated. Its intended principal activity is the manufacture and trading of tin cans, aluminium cans, plastic containers and related products. It has yet to commence operations.

Meanwhile BOX-PAK (MALAYSIA) BHD has received approval for the incorporation of a new subsidiary in Indonesia, known as PT. KJ Box-Pak. Its intended principal activity is the manufacture of corrugated cartons. It has yet to commence operations.

KIAN JOO CAN FACTORY BERHAD has also received approvals for the incorporation of two (2) new wholly-owned subsidiary companies in Indonesia, known as PT. KJ Canmax and PT. KJ Canco.

The intended principal activities of the subsidiaries are metal printing, manufacturing and distribution of tin cans and aluminium beverage cans. They have yet to commence operations.