JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Rita Widyasari, Regent of Kutai Kartanegara, was reported to the Attorney General Office (AGO) by three lawyers from Sena Sakti Law Office & Partners. They accused Rita for having illegally issued plantation business license.

The law firm is legal representative of PT Sylvaduta Corporation that claims its plantation area is overlapped by PT Tunas Prima Sejahtera, located in Kembang Jangut District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency.

Roosyan Umar, Soewidji and Sayoeto claimed that the license issuance granted to Tunas Prima commits a violation. The report was filed on May 3, 2013.

Furthermore, the lawyer explained the report was based on the investigation of team from the Ministry of Forestry conducted in December 2011.

The report shown an indication of crime on forest land usage by Tunas Prima, covering more than 3,600 ha palm oil plantation. The investigation team also found that the area is overlapped with PT Sylvaduta Corporation.

By Indra Budiari