JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Chief Brig Labora Sitorus admitted that he was robbed by his superiors in the national police. In the period of January 2012 to April 23, 2013 alone, he claimed to have wired Rp10 billion to some high ranking officers in Papua and National Police Headquarters.

“Not only blackmailed, I was robbed,” said Labora, police officer stationed in Raja Ampat, West Papua province, to Tempo magazine this week.

He pointed to, among others, Rp600 million payment he made to Raja Ampat police chief Taufik Irfan related to Labora’s promotion. “(The Rp600 million) was reportedly for Regional Police chief. I don’t know whether the funds were delivered or not,” Labora said.

Labora is a suspect in illegal logging and stockpiling of fuel. He is also accused of money laundering based on Rp1.5 trillion (around US$140 million) transactions in his accounts in the period of 2007-2012 pursuant to the report filed by anti money laundering agency PPATK.