JAKARTA (Yosefradi) – Andi Alfian Mallarangeng, former Minister of Youth & Sports and former politician from President SBY’s Democratic Party, is scheduled to respond the call from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for another round of examination session on Friday (October 11).

While speculations raised that Andi might be dragged into the KPK detention center after tomorrow’s investigation.

Andi’s lawyer Harry Ponto said that his client is ready if finally KPK arrested Adi after Friday examination.

Friday, dubbed by the press as Spooky Friday (Jumat Keramat), is the day when many graft suspects ended up their sessions of examination and were dragged into KPK detention center.

The earlier victims of Spooky Friday’s examination were;

Miranda Swaray Goeltom (former Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia)
Angelina Sondakh (former lawmaker from President SBY’s Democratic Party)
Zulkarnaen Djabar (Golkar lawmaker)
Fahd El Fouz(Golkar lawmaker)
Soemarmo Hadi Saputro (former Semarang Mayor)
Murdoko (PDI-P lawmaker and Chairman of the Central Java Legislative Council)
Aat Syafaat (former Cilegon Mayor)
Rustam Syarifuddin Pakaya (former Head of the Health Ministry’s Crisis Mitigation Center)
Erwin Panama (Head of the Seluma Regency Public Works Office)
Ali Amra (Operational Director of PT Puguh Permai)
Budi Susanto (President Director of PT Citra Metalindo Mandiri Abadi/CMMA)

Andi Mallarangeng had been named as suspect since December 6, 2012 in a high-profile graft case related to the controversial Hambalang sports center project, a project under the Ministry of Youth & Sports.

Another famous suspect in the case is Anas Urbaningrum, former Chairman of President SBY’s Democratic Party.

However, there is no official information yet from KPK about when Anas will be summoned for another round of questioning. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)