JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The Corruption Eradication Commission (kpk) has been trying to recruit new investigators from the Indonesian Military (TNI) to strengthen its fight against corruption. The recruitment is a follow up from the co-operation signed between KPK and Commander of the Military.

Head of KPK’s Human Resources Bureau Apin Avian, revealed that 30 military officers undergo the selection test conducted by the Anti-Graft Body. According to Apin, new investigators with military background are expected to help KPK to improving its performance.

Apin said that 30 military officers must resign from military corps once they are appointed to join KPK.

Early this year, KPK has sworn in 26 new independent investigators selected from internal officers.

KPK, by law, has right to recruit investigators from its institution, Police, and Attorney General Office (AGO).

The plan to recruit new investigators from the military had earlier triggered a controversy.

Last year, Police institution has ordered its officers worked as KPK’s investigators to return to their corps.

The recall was issued just after KPK arrested and named Police Insp. Gen. Djoko Susilo (at that time was Chief of the National Police Traffic Corps) related to the graft and money laundering cases on the procurement of driving simulators by the National Police Traffic Corps in 2011. (haryantos@yosefardi.biz)