JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – The prosecutor team from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) demanded 5.5 years imprisonment to Rizal Abdullah, graft suspect and former head of the South Sumatra provincial administration’s public works office, for allegedly committing graft related to the construction of athlete dormitory project for the 2011 South East Asian Games.

In addition, the KPK’s prosecutor team also asked to panel of judges to order the defendant to pay Rp300 million in fine or serving additional 4 months imprisonment.

KPK had named Rizal as suspect in the case since September 29, 2014. Rizal’s involvement in the case was revealed in the KPK’s indictment against El Idris, former convict in the case and former marketing manager of PT Duta Graha Indah (DGI).

In said indictment, Idris mentioned Rizal’s name as one having received fees from PT DGI, the tender winner of the athlete dormitory project. The indictment also mentioned Idris’ confession about his company’s plan to give a 2.5% fee from the total Rp191 billion fund of the athlete dormitory project to Alex Noerdin, the Governor of South Sumatra and one of key leaders of Golkar Party.

Alex, however, had repeatedly denied all allegations against him related to the athlete dormitory case. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)