JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Vice President Jusuf Kalla has asked the people to not be suspicious over the recent meeting between his nephew Erwin Aksa Mahmud with Freeport McMorran’s CEO James R. Moffet aka Jim Bob.

Kalla, in his defense, said that nothing’s wrong with the meeting as it was only a business meeting. Kalla, moreover, revealed that Erwin is already known Jim Bob for a long time.

The public suspicion over Erwin Aksa-Jim Bob’s meeting came to surface as soon as media reported about the meeting.

PDI-P lawmaker Masinton Pasaribu even reminded Kalla to not abusing his power for the interest of the latter’s family business.

Previously, Kalla was angered with the Freeport scandal involving former House Speaker Setya Novanto and businessman Mohammad Reza Chalid. In the recorded conversation of the meeting between Novanto, Reza, and Freeport Indonesia’s CEO Maroef Sjamsoeddin, Kalla’s name was cited in the meeting between Novanto, Reza and Maroef on asking for the company’s shares. (haryantosuharman@yosefardi.com)