SINGAPORE (Yosefardi) – Sembcorp Marine’s subsidiary Jurong Shipyard has secured a US$596 million contract for a newbuild ultra-high specification jack-up rig with option for an additional unit for use in the United Kingdom sector of the North Sea from Noble Corporation.

“This jack-up rig will be constructed based on the proven Gusto MSC CJ70 design and in line with an enhanced version of Statoil’s “Cat J”specifications,” SembCorp said this morning.

Scheduled for delivery in 1Q 2016, the ultra-high specification jack-up rig will have an air gap of 69 metres and will be capable of operating in water depths of up to 150 metres (492 feet) in harsh environment conditions, with a maximum total drilling depth capacity of 10,000 metres (approximately 33,000 feet).

In addition to this latest rig order, Jurong Shipyard is currently constructing six F&G JU3000N class jack-up rigs worth a total of US$1.3 billion for Noble.