JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jero Wacik claimed that he has no knowledge on issue related the graft money found in the office of the ministry’s secretary general or the graft case implicating PT Kernel Oil.

In the president palace, Jero argued that he thought the US$200,000 money in the secretary general’s office as operational money. “I don’t know why there was money in the secretary general’s office, I thought it was operational money. Suddenly, people said it was in dollar. So, I really don’t know,” said Jero, as quoted by Detikcom.

The democratic party executive argued that he has just been elected as energy ministry and claimed that he has no idea about people behind Kernel Oil. “I don’t know who is (Kernel Oil), I am new here (at energy ministry).

Moreover, the minister also hinted that the problem might emerged since SKK Migas was still used BP Migas name. He also claimed that everything related to oil tender is under the authority of SKK Migas. (indrab@yosefardi.biz)