JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – PT J Resources Nusantara Tbk (PSAB) had in 14 November 2013 signed loan facility agreement amounting US$275 million which five banks.

That five banks are Indonesia Eximbank, Qatar National Bank SAQ, PT Bank QNB Kesawan Tbk, PT Bank Permata Tbk, and PT Bank CIC Indonesia.

The loan will mature in 2017, used to settle loan to PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk and Indonesia Eximbank, and to finance the construction of gold production facility in Bakan (Sulawesi), Seruyung (Kalimantan) and to fund the expansion of gold production capacity in Penjom (Malaysia).

The company suffered loss of US$17.4 million in first nine months of this year on revenues of US$65.22 million. In the same period of last year, it booked net profit of US$74.98 million on revenues of US$108.9 million. Its assets totaled US$747.25 million while liability amounted US$478.94 million.