JAKARTA (Yosefardi) – Shareholders of PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT) have on Wednesday (Jan 28) appointed Dr. Nasser Mohammed Marafih as new president commissioner, replacing H. E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al Thani.

Marafih is the Chief Executive Officer of the Ooredoo Group since 2006. He also served as Ooredoo Qatar CEO from 2002 until 2011. Oreedoo holds 65% shares of ISAT.

ISAT’s shareholders also appointed Joy Wahyudi as Independent Director, replacing Alexander Rusli. Rusli still serves as president director.

Rinaldi Firmasyah (Ex CEO of Telkom) and Astera Primanto Bhakti (Director of the Finance Ministry’s center for state revenue policy) were also appointed as commissioner for Indosat. (rully@yosefardi.biz)